Injured seaman should be aware of the legal protections that exist to help them when harmed on the job. An offshore drilling company is being sued in Louisiana by a worker asserting he was injured in an on-the-job accident. The offshore worker asserts he suffered severe and disabling injuries. The man has brought the lawsuit based on the Jones Act. He asserts he was injured while working on a submersible offshore drilling rig. The lawsuit alleges the offshore company was negligent which led to his injuries. The worker is seeking damages including lost wages, lost income and medical expenses.
The Jones Act is important for injured seaman who may not have other remedies available when they have suffered injury or harm on the job. The Jones Act provides legal recourse for injured seaman or their families to recover compensation for damages following an accident at sea. Injured seaman, or families who have suffered the loss of a loved one, may be able to bring a claim for negligence against the seaman’s employer to recover compensation for damages suffered.
Injured seaman may be able to recover medical expenses, pain and suffering damages, lost earning capacity, found (the price of room and board the victim would have earned, had the seaman stayed at sea), as well as other types of damages. There are certain requirements an injured seaman must meet to qualify to bring a claim under the Jones Act, including that the harm suffered must have occurred on a navigable vessel and the party harmed must be considered a seaman at the time the harm was suffered.
Injured offshore workers and their families may wonder what they will do following an offshore accident that may leave the injured worker with medical and other expenses and unable to work. Compensation for injuries can be important to the day to day lives of offshore workers which is why it is important that injured offshore workers and their families understand legal options available that may be able to offer help.
Source: The Louisiana Record, “Jones Act claimant alleges disabling injuries from accident aboard offshore drilling rig,” Kyle Barnett, Jan. 20, 2014