There are many factors that can lead to car accidents. Sometimes it is dangerous weather conditions or distracted driving. Other times a driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Sadly, drunk driving is still a big problem in the state of Louisiana. As another holiday season begins, it is important to highlight this issue and remind drivers to designate another person to drive when alcohol is consumed.
Louisiana law states that a blood alcohol level of .08 percent or higher renders a driver too drunk to drive. To date, over 33 percent of all traffic deaths in our state have been caused by drunk driving fatalities. Car crashes that have involved blood alcohol levels of .01 percent or higher have occurred over 3,000 times. This statistic proves that even when not legally intoxicated, alcohol consumption can lead to impaired driving which can result in injury to the driver and anyone else on the road.
Law enforcement have a number of tools at its disposal to help make the roads safer. One tool is a law that allows an administrative license revocation. At the time of a DUI arrest, an individual’s license is taken away if he or she fails a sobriety test or refuses to take the test. There are also statutes that make it mandatory to test all drivers who are killed in car accidents for alcohol.
In some cases, a DUI may be charged as a felony. This occurs when an individual has repeated DUIs. A felony is a serious criminal charge that can lead to more than a year in prison and large fines.
However, the criminal law does nothing to help car accident victims recover their losses. It is therefore often wise for these individuals to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to learn more about how they may be able to recover compensation via a lawsuit.
Source: Mothers Against Drunk Driving Louisiana, “Louisiana,” accessed on Nov. 24, 2015