Boating can be a way to earn money and to seek pleasant diversions in Louisiana. However, no matter how experienced a person is or what activity they are enjoying when out on the water, there is a chance that there will be an accident. In the worst case scenario, it will be a fatal offshore accident. Keeping track of trends regarding boating accidents and subsequent deaths can help victims be prepared and understand their circumstances to consider a legal filing for compensation.
There has been a significant uptick in fatalities on the water in 2016. The numbers are higher than they were at the same time one year ago. In fact, there were seven fatalities in September this year. A representative for the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries stated that in 2016, 22 people have died on the water. This is in comparison to 13 through September of 2015. There were certain aspects of the fatalities that were common. Those who died were not wearing a life jacket. It is being stressed by the department that people need to make certain to boat while sober and to take the proper safety precautions.
Overall, there were 110 boat accidents that the department investigated, with 12 occurring in September. Boaters can be injured in crashes due to hitting an object in the water, when there is a boat going at a rapid pace, due to alcohol use and for other reasons. In some instances, the crash is between two boats. In others, the victims might have been passengers on the boat that encountered an object or was being operated recklessly.
There must be a full investigation into the accident to determine how it happened and whether or not the fatal offshore accident warrants a wrongful death legal filing. A family that has suffered the loss of a loved one if a fatal accident must make sure to gather all the facts and move forward accordingly when pursuing a wrongful death claim.
Source:, “Boating fatalities up significantly,” Oct. 13, 2016