If you are hurt in an accident while driving on a Louisiana road, you may be entitled to compensation. However, it may be harder to obtain compensation if the driver who caused the crash doesn’t have auto insurance. Let’s take a look at the various strategies that you may be able to use to get the cash that you might be eligible for under state law.
Your own insurance company might cover a portion of the damages
In the event that you have uninsured motorist coverage, your own insurance company might help to pay a portion of any bills incurred in the aftermath of a crash. In some cases, the comprehensive portion of your policy might help to pay for the cost to rent a car or replace items damaged in the crash.
You can file a lawsuit against the other driver
Obtaining a judgment against the other driver may be an effective way to receive the financial award that you may be entitled to. Even if you don’t obtain funds right away, you may be given the opportunity to garnish that person’s wages. It may also be possible to place a lien on that individual’s property until a judgment is satisfied. A car accident attorney may provide more insight into what might happen if a judge rules in your favor in a personal injury case.
It might be possible to take action against the owner of the vehicle
It’s not uncommon for the owner of a vehicle to let someone else drive it. However, the owner may still be responsible for the actions of whoever was operating the car when it struck your vehicle. Depending on the circumstances of your case, it may be a good idea to file a lawsuit against that individual in addition to the person who actually caused the crash.
If you experience broken bones, back pain or a head injury after a crash, it’s generally a good idea to hire an attorney. He or she may help you obtain compensation for medical bills, lost wages and other damages.