Recently, the Clovelly Oil Co. platform located in Lake Pontchartrain exploded while maintenance was being performed. The explosion sent a fireball high into the sky, severely injuring seven workers who were flown to area hospitals. One worker is missing, and the Coast Guard announced suspension of their search for him a few days later. He was a resident of Texas who was working on the structure as a subcontractor.
Residents around the lake say their houses shook from the explosion. However, no property damage has been reported.
The Clovelly Oil Co. platform is basically an underground storage tank for oil and gas routed from multiple wells in Lake Pontchartrain. At the time of the explosion, all except for one gas well were shut-in. That gas well was also successfully shut-in after the explosion. Authorities claim there was no leakage or environmental damage. Responders first on the scene claim that cleaning chemicals ignited on the platform causing the explosion. Those claims have not been validated by company authorities.
Oil rig and oil platform injuries can be, and often are, devastating not only to the workers, but also to loved ones involved. When a worker is injured, that may mean an extensive stay in the hospital and lost wages. In sad situations where the worker passes away, families are left to pick up the pieces and move on after the sudden loss of their loved one. It can be not only emotionally devastating, but also financially.
A personal injury attorney with experience in offshore accidents can help those injured figure out where to start after such a disastrous event. In focusing on obtaining the compensation that may be owed, those hurt and their loved ones can focus on the recovery process and path forward.