Deep emotional relationships make life worth living. After all, you may depend on your spouse for emotional support, friendship, love and a variety of other things. As you know, though, life comes with no guarantees. That is, the injury or death of your partner may stop you in your tracks.
If your loved one sustains a serious injury or dies because of someone else’s negligence or wrongful conduct, you may experience sadness, anger, resentment and other emotions. Fortunately, you may be able to pursue recovery under a loss of consortium theory. The Louisiana Supreme Court outlined the types of losses for which plaintiffs may seek compensation.
Loss of love and affection
Finding the right person with whom to spend the rest of your life can be challenging. Once you have done so, though, you receive a significant amount of love and affection from your spouse. While nothing may make you feel whole again, holding someone responsible for your loss of love and affection may put you in a better position.
Loss of moral support
Life can be incredibly hard. Fortunately, your partner likely provides both companionship and moral support on the journey. When a serious injury or death strips you of this emotional support, Louisiana law allows you to seek compensation from whoever is responsible.
Loss of household help
Taking care of a household often requires significant effort. As such, both you and your spouse likely tackle essential chores together. If your loved one is no longer able to help you with everyday chores, receiving compensation pursuant to a loss of consortium claim may allow you to hire outside help.
Loss of basic happiness
Sharing your life with your spouse probably makes you happy. Unfortunately, if your partner sustains an injury or dies, you may feel devoid of joy. In Louisiana, you may ask the person responsible for your spouse’s injury or death to compensate you for your loss of basic happiness and overall contentment.
Money cannot take the place of a loved one. Still, you should not have to readjust to life without a healthy or living partner while struggling to pay your expenses. With a successful loss of consortium claim, you receive compensation to help you move forward.