Dear Frischhertz & Impastato Clients:
First, we hope everyone is safe and healthy during this difficult time. The number one priority is the safety of you and your family. To that end, we hope everyone is practicing social distancing and following the requests of government and healthcare professionals. Together we can get through this. The people of Louisiana are among the most resilient in the world and will make it through this crisis.
The Court system in Louisiana has been partially shutdown in response to the COVID-19 virus. However, our office remains open. In accordance with the governor’s order, as a professional services business, we remain open but we have instituted procedures to protect or staff and clients. All of our attorneys continue to work on client matters and are available to discuss your case. Because of the COVID-19 virus we are attempting to limit person to person meetings were possible. Our goal is for the COVID-19 virus to have as little of an impact as possible on the handling and resolution of your legal matter. If you have any questions or concerns about your case, please call or email us and your attorney will assist you.
Stay safe.