Firm Update: Frischhertz & Impastato is open as we know your needs cannot be placed on hold!  To protect you during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, we are offering video conferencing as well as telephone conferences.  Please contact our office today to discuss your options.

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Firm Update: Frischhertz & Impastato is open as we know your needs cannot be placed on hold!  To protect you during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, we are offering video conferencing as well as telephone conferences.  Please contact our office today to discuss your options.

Frischhertz and Impasto | Personal Injury Law


Phone: 504-264-9915  Toll Free: 866-920-5611

Phone: 504-264-9915

Toll Free: 866-920-5611

Going The Distance To Get You Full Compensation

A serious injury puts everything on the line. We know how to fight the insurance companies and get the compensation you deserve.

What type of compensation can I recover after a motorcycle accident?

by | Aug 10, 2021 | Auto Accidents |

Because motorcyclists are relatively unprotected compared to drivers and passengers in a car or truck, the results of an accident can be particularly severe. As a result, injured motorcyclists often face costly treatment and a long road to recovery. Thankfully, taking legal action may allow them to get the financial support they need during this challenging time.

What damages might be available?

The harm done by an accident can impact many aspects of a motorcyclist’s life, and a personal injury claim can provide them with many different types of compensation to address these issues. Some types of damages that an injured motorcyclist might receive include:

  • Lost wages—When recovery takes an injured motorcyclist away from work for some time, the missed paychecks that result can put additional strain on their finances. Thankfully, they can receive damages to offset the loss of those wages. This may also include future wages if the accident had a long-term impact on your ability to work.
  • Medical costs—Motorcyclists are an estimated 10 times more likely to experience severe injuries compared to those in a car. As a result, medical expenses can quickly add up, but injured people may be eligible to receive money to manage those costs. This may include projected future medical expenses.
  • Pain and suffering—In addition to the physical and financial toll that an accident can take, the emotional toll of a crash can be significant. Injured people may receive compensation for the suffering they have experienced.

By taking legal action, injured motorcyclists can get the support they and their families need while they recover.